Friday, September 28, 2012

[C976.Ebook] PDF Download My RoboHound Took Me: (Beast Erotica), by Whitney Fox

PDF Download My RoboHound Took Me: (Beast Erotica), by Whitney Fox

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My RoboHound Took Me: (Beast Erotica), by Whitney Fox

My RoboHound Took Me: (Beast Erotica), by Whitney Fox

My RoboHound Took Me: (Beast Erotica), by Whitney Fox

PDF Download My RoboHound Took Me: (Beast Erotica), by Whitney Fox

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My RoboHound Took Me: (Beast Erotica), by Whitney Fox

Jennifer is a mechanical technician for one of the largest computer programing companies in the world. Working late with her boss one night on the new line of RoboHounds, they decide to pop open a bottle of champagne after completing their work. Jennifer's boss decides to head home at midnight, leaving her alone in the lab with the RoboHound. After turning him on, Jennifer's wildest and darkest fantasies are brought to life and there's only one thing to do now that he's awake.

This is a 4,000 word hardcore erotic short story. It includes- Oral, cream pies, rough sex, robot sex and more!

  • Sales Rank: #596175 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2014-08-21
  • Released on: 2014-08-21
  • Format: Kindle eBook

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My RoboHound Took Me: (Beast Erotica), by Whitney Fox Kindle

My RoboHound Took Me: (Beast Erotica), by Whitney Fox PDF

My RoboHound Took Me: (Beast Erotica), by Whitney Fox PDF

My RoboHound Took Me: (Beast Erotica), by Whitney Fox PDF
My RoboHound Took Me: (Beast Erotica), by Whitney Fox PDF

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